(March, 2004)

Noel Huntley, Ph.D.

Let us first make it clear as to what kind of relaxation we are referring to. We are all familiar with the advice given by professionals to students, whether they are teaching golf or piano technique, etc., to relax more. This is the relaxation in which we are interested; we know that the muscles relax more when we become more skillful in any physical activity. What we may not know, however, is that the relaxation process is part of the skill development; it can't be demonstrated by beginner students beyond their level of ability---the movements would simply fail if they relaxed more. One should, of course, aim at minimum tensions.

Now we know the subject to be discussed, we can reveal that this relaxation is part of a very complex function and cannot be understood on the basis of existing science. It is necessary to introduce a new science of physical mobility---new systems of motion which expose just one facet of the massive limitations that education imposes on human abilities. Note that this same new physics also applies to technology, which we won't pursue here.

For an explanation of the execution of physical movements it can be evaluated that two terms are required in the equation. The different effect of these factors is as different as the experience of 'pushing' and 'pulling' (being pulled). The first term gives the tension in the muscles. Clearly, motion won't occur without a force (tension) to move (accelerate and maintain motion), say, the limbs. This is covered adequately by Newtonian physics, and the force is sometimes referred to as a Newtonian force; one which is necessary to accelerate a mass (F = ma).

Physical movement, however, is not just due to muscles pulling on bones (see articles on physical mobility). There is another term in the equation that relates to quantum action (energy multiplied by time). This is the term which is as different from 'force' as pulling is different from pushing. This may ring a bell for some mathematical physicists regarding the original Maxwell's electromagnetic equations which contained scalar-wave terms, referred to as 'quaternions', that were removed by orthodox science. As a result, the potential for a unified field theory and applications to antigravity and free energy were suppressed.

Returning to body motions, we can't mix the two terms at the force level since the second term, quantum action, does not operate on Newtonian forces. We can, however, use energy terms as long as we take a specified motion or coordinated movement with a corresponding quantity of time. The muscular term then is force multiplied by distance which is energy (as work done) or power; the latter if we divide by the time.

When we execute a sequence of movements we experience effort. This is both physical and mental. The physical effort is due to the application of tension to the muscles which causes increased oxygen demands---more rapid breathing and heart rate. The mental effort is the amount of concentration required to perpetuate the movements. This is also quantity of attention. We know that both physical and mental effort reduce as movements are learned. But also we might know that even for a learned sequence, a higher ability to execute the skill will involve still less effort. Clearly a concert pianist playing a musical passage will apply less effort---there will be less attention (movements are more automatic) and the muscles will be more relaxed---than lesser pianists playing this same selected passage which is within their ability to learn.

Current knowledge does not recognise the difference between these two states: two levels of ability in a selected learned skill; that is, one of higher order than the other. Science only recognises linking together or coordinating movements. This means once all the information has been cross-linked no further improvement could be made. The second term in the equation expresses the energy-field system around all joints of limbs or body, which regulates the angle of the joints. These quantum fields house the learning patterns or programmes for movement and are perfectly synchronised with the muscular activity. See articles on physical mobility for a description of the learning pattern, and also The Fractal Matrix Part IV.

We see that we have two entirely different mechanisms working in combination. The muscular factor alone would give us nothing more than twitches and instinctive reflex actions. Let us now explain what happens when we make a movement. Note there are two cases of particular interest which mustn't be confused: 1) What happens when a movement is begun and accelerated into coordinated motion, in particular, in learned sequences? 2) What kind of changes occur over a period of training in this movement in (1) above, or any other learned movement?

As mentioned, we are interested in the relation between 1) the force factor or tension in the muscle, and 2) the energy-field system regulating the angle of the joints. When the muscles are manifesting high tension, such as in lifting a weight, and speed of movement is slow (or even unmoving), the tension term is high, maybe a maximum, but the energy-field system is in minimal operation. As we go to faster movements, and more so, if there is high coordination, the tension factor decreases (overriding its increase to compensate for increased resistance due to acceleration and inertia). The energy field, however, becomes prominent. It is synchronised with a 'level' of tension in the muscle but takes greater precedence than the muscles in more skilled movements.

Now, a somewhat similar relation holds for the second category: that of development of skill over a period of time. For the selected skill movements and any similar movement the energy-field factor is higher---even for merely the production of tensions when there is no motion. Muscles behave differently now at the higher skill (and reflex ability). Tensions require less effort to attain and the acceleration and deceleration of tension is greater. In other words, it is easier to produce any level of tension, and tension can be created or released more rapidly the greater the skill.

As one develops a high level of skill to create fast movements in complex coordination, the development of the learning patterns are sufficient (and must be) to relax the muscles considerably---in fact get them out of the way to some degree. This is what is meant by 'relaxing' regarding skills, instrumental technique, even athletics.

Thus in general, as the energy-field system develops, the muscles are used less but at the same time they are operating more efficiently. They are operating more efficiently because information density is greater and selection of muscle fibres is more accurate. All this then is due to the increase in the energy-field with accompanying increase in information density in the learning patterns through training. A learning pattern has holographic amplification (the single factor which determines the essence of skill), which spans both space and time as a whole. This is an undivided whole or quantum state encompassing spacetime by a degree (the holographic amplification) determining the level of ability. Its particular span in time may be, say, two seconds. This means a person executing a series of skilled movements can feel the future muscular positions of the limbs extending to two seconds---essential in order to make the next movements rapidly.

Now we can say that for this to occur---for the movements to be unified during the two seconds---all the elements of information are holographically interrelated. For that period of time we have coherent energies---the learning pattern has become a holographically resonant structure. Clearly we can't break it down into forces or smaller energy elements since we would lose the holographic effect (also lose quantum regeneration---see other articles, such as on physical mobility). Thus the equation cannot utilise the integration and differentiation of calculus since we have an extremely nonlinear relationship, expressed by holographic amplification and coherence, and quantum regeneration.

What is the experiential effect of this second term in the equation? We have stated that the difference between these two factors---tension and energy field---is as different as pushing and pulling. Our second term is of course the 'pulling' factor. What does this mean? Keep in mind that the physics involved here uses the same principles as in the subject of free-energy devices, perpetual motion, and advanced spacecraft propulsion.

Imagine placing a cork on a stream and observing two conditions: 1) the water is stationary and we have to use a force to push the cork through the water (compare muscular factor), and 2) the stream has eddy currents which we manipulate so that the flow is in the desired direction (compare energy field). In case (2) we see that we only have to let the cork go ('letting go') and the currents pull the cork without the requirement of a separate force. To describe this a little more thoroughly we could say that there are countless minute eddies in the water which cancel out as far as the relatively large cork is concerned. We then programme these eddies into suitable coherence in tune with the force. Imagine now applying this force to the cork, but simultaneously to some degree the cork is being pulled along by the eddies, very much reducing the required force. This is a good analogy of how the energy-field system works with the muscles. The influence from the energy-field term is always partial to the degree of the skill or reflex ability and the other term, the muscular or force factor, accompanies this. So we are still pushing the cork to some degree but notice that less force is required since the cork is also being pulled.

Although the two terms add, this development of the energy field will not give significantly greater strength since it operates minimally when movements are slow, which is always the case when high strength is being examined. Nevertheless even when movements are slow or activity is even static, the energy field, when highly developed, will enable tensions to rise and fall more rapidly, and will attain these tensions with much less effort (less attention and concentration and sense of force or stiffness in the muscles).

As a person attains a high level of skill over a long period of time he or she is using less tension in the muscles than is required to make such coordinated movements at that speed (not counting the energy field). As per current science, the movements should be impossible. As explained, however, the second factor, the energy field which is a quantum computer, sets up fundamental field conditions---like engineering spacetime or manipulating zero-point energy---which enables the tensions to do more, much like the eddies in the stream pull the cork along. The programme format within the learning patterns is formed in the energy field, and like a template, focusses the input energy (manifesting with the 'attention'), amplifies it, and distributes it to shape the movements.

It is difficult to visualise this template-like action, which is a 4D learning pattern that literally moulds the coordinated movements in space and time---it is as though, for example, the limbs are encased in a field system as solid as rock. If arms are involved then they are moving inside this formatted field structure and are held in a vice-like grip by these scalar/quantum fields. This energy field structure is holographic, which means every portion or sub-portion of it is simultaneously guiding the directions that the tensions take, and the angle at the joints is undergoing continuous selection. Again let us stress this is an area of physics which the academic scientist is not remotely familiar---and in fact is already programmed to suppress it, as it leads to a higher order, harmonic science, free energy, a correct symbiosis between science and consciousness, and true evolution.

Further features of the energy field are instantaneous quantum states of perception of where, say, a limb is in a skilled sequence of movements. There is no tenth of a second delay, or whatever, but instant response (the mind functions on instantaneous quantum states). Inertia is also reduced of the local limb region (or body part) to the degree of the energy-field development and its overlap or penetration within the limb or body. Ask any concert pianist if he or she can feel the expected weightiness of the arms when moving them back and forth, and up and down. This mechanism will also resolve the problems of understanding insect flight (see article on this).

Finally, there is the mystery of the resistance of the muscular activity---still a puzzle in the science of physiology. The development of the holographic energy field is accompanied by increase in frequency or informational rate (information density). For a particular rate, no matter how great the muscular force is, it cannot override the information rate. There may be a certain amount of 'stretching' of this rule in simple uncoordinated, linear motions such as a boxing punch. But in complex coordination this limitation will hold. In a learned sequence of movements the learning pattern must superimpose future position-patterns on the present one, at every instant, in order for one to be able to move into those spaces at a certain speed.

Physicists will likely discover that this information rate is the factor which determines in Einstein's relativity the velocity of light limitation. No matter how much force is applied to an object (relativity calculates it as infinite at the velocity of light), it cannot reach or exceed this speed limitation. What we are saying is that the third dimension has a high hysteresis and relatively low information rates; thus acting as a drag on the body's motion. Nevertheless one only has to tune/transmute the 'force' and body to a hyperspace of greater information rate, higher frequencies or dimensions, and the velocity can exceed light, ranging up to instantaneousness.

Relaxation then, really does mean an actual reduction in tension in muscles during skills but that this reduction decrement is replaced by the quantum energy-field computer which aids the tensions by 1) reducing the resistance they encounter, such as inertia, and 2) reducing resistance within the muscle itself. Moreover, it would be theoretically possible to have zero muscle tension in highly skilled coordinated movements; the learning pattern or energy-field programmes could pull the movements into position by a complex system of holographic resonance. See Fractal Matrix Part IV and Physical Mobility Parts I and II.

The whole theme running through our society, regarding behaviour, physical training, science, education, etc. is the emphasis on the reality of force and all its applications (force is not even a cause but an effect). For example, the universe is considered to be made up of particles held together by forces; we perpetuate polarities and enforcement; entertain obsessive competition; Newton's laws are considered exclusively, etc. This is an abnormal and disharmonious reality-structure orchestrated by negative elements. The relevance of this to our subject here is that the same suppressive influence is blinding scientists to perceiving beyond the structures of forces, mass, inertia, kinetic energy, and even potential energy in the most advanced systems.

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