(June, 1999)

Noel Huntley

What is an impact skill? It is any skill in which some form of impact arises in the sequence of movements, such as golf, tennis, etc.

What is the difference between an impact skill and an ordinary skill? Many skills may have an impact feature associated with the movements even though of a mild nature. Certain points of contact are made and these connections or impacts are utilised by the program or learning patterns. The learning patterns will, where possible, designate these contacts as reference points for the next movement or a reference point for tension adjustment, etc. In other words, they form part of the contextual systems in which one part operates in the context of another as previously described in articles on physical mobility and the holographic quantum nature of the universe.

Even piano technique involves this impact feature. When a finger contacts a key this fixed point acts as a feed-back system for enabling the learning pattern to perpetuate an accurate sequence of movements.

Can this moment of impact be of benefit in any other way besides establishing a location in space-time to determine the next movement, as just mentioned, in particular, since such physical activities as golf, martial arts, etc. do not have any "next movement"?

Yes, it can, but this feature is so startling it won't be believed by the reader to the degree of his or her education. It took the author years to believe it.

This is the feature we are really interested in--that which is dominant in such sports as golf or martial arts (breaking the board). When a golf club hits a golf ball there can be an impulsive force of up to 40 lbs. This would have to be much greater for the martial arts adept. However, let us proceed with the golfing example.

This 40 lb force will create a significant jolt at the joints of the body: ankles, knees, hips, waist, shoulders, elbows, wrist, fingers. The joints will tend to yield during impact. To the degree there is any yield at any joint there will be loss of power transfer.

Energy is 'built up' in the club head based on speed and inertia. This inertia is mainly of the club head (and shaft), and then secondary inertia from the body motion, depending on lack of yield at the joints. However, what is of principal interest is the impact time and what happens during this time.

Conventional knowledge tells us that since impact time is around one-thousandth of a second no change can take place in the musculature during this time. The nervous system cannot react within an interval of one-thousandth of a second. Reaction times are usually around one-eighth to one-tenth of a second, though one-fiftieth of a second is claimed to have been measured for certain muscular processes. Nevertheless, the muscular system cannot remotely act within one-thousandth of a second.

The shocking news now is that the quantum computer system can react within this time interval! Let us think for a moment about the observational side of this knowledge. The professional emphasises relaxing the muscles--but how much? If the muscles are relaxed surely no movement can be made or at least little transfer of force can take place.

Consider piano technique. A concert pianist may be playing up to ten notes a second but he knows exactly what each finger is doing at every instant, not to mention knowing the state of every other muscular tension. He can intervene at any instant. He has to for proper musical rendering.

We are talking about virtually instantaneous response. Surely science has overlooked this--or ignored it. Not only this but as we described in the articles on physical mobility, when individuals are executing a sequence of skilled movements, they can take their attention off the movements and return it so that the movements are instantly within conscious control again. This is an astonishing computer access system, which we have already described.

Let us return to the golfer. In terms of current knowledge the professional golfer, normally well relaxed in the swing, would have to tense the muscles significantly before impact in order to lock the joints in a manner to prevent yield and loss of power. This clearly invalidates the relaxation cycle, and in fact it does not occur.

What we are leading up to then is that the energy-field system around the joints, which operates on quantum-field principles described in the articles on physical mobility, can act to lock the joints during impact; during that short period of time, about one-thousandth of a second!

Figure 1 is a graph of intensity of muscular force/quantum action against time and shows the condition in just two joints (any) for a non-expert level of ability. Normally there would be a distribution curve for each joint in question; we are only showing two. The waves represent impulses which as one can see not only are poorly synchronised but are spread out in time. This means muscular tensions are operating to keep the joints from collapsing since the information density in the learning patterns is low and the quantum computer system cannot provide a sharp focus of the energy during the one-thousandth of a second.

In Figure 2 we see that the impulses can act within the interval, one-thousandth of a second, and are also well synchronised. Notice that we can consider the same amount of energy used in the two examples of amateur and professional, represented by the area of the curves, but that in Figure 2, since the focus is so sharp, the intensity during the impact is thus very high. In Figure 1, forces are occurring, spread out over a much larger interval of time, with considerable wastage in the regions outside the impact period.

As described in the other articles a high development of the quantum computer system gives no sensation of effort, tension, force--there is only kinesthetic sense of information. Whereas the muscular system works on Newtonian principles: force, inertia, friction, heat, resistance, effort, fuel requirements, fatigue, etc. The holographic quantum system is quite the opposite.

When the club head contacts the ball, a reaction of, say, 40 lbs occurs on the body and the joints begin to give way. This sense of resistance against movement, due to the inertia of the ball, is counter to the intended program within the learning patterns to continue the movement unabated. A feed-back system goes into operation to counteract the yield which is trying to occur at the joints. In precise proportion to the resistance, the quantum fields lock the joints to prevent yield. Strictly speaking the quantum fields lock the joints but allow movement to continue without drag--the muscular system couldn't do this. This requires of course a high density of information to have developed at the joints from practice.

Consider a pianistic example. A concert pianist can strike the keys from a position well above the keys in a very relaxed manner such that the fingers are quite relaxed before impact but will lock instantaneously on contacting the resistance from the key action. As the quantum field's information senses the resistance causing collapse at the joints it compensates--as per what is intended.

This quantum-field information operates more for high-speed movements. It does not particularly appear to aid strength significantly in slow movements such as pressing a barbell. More specific research would be required on this but we must admit that generally an athletic person, regarding speed ability in, say, many activities--the 'natural'--is usually stronger, as well as faster, than average in the slow, forceful movements. This possibly indicates that this person with obviously good development of the quantum computer system since he or she is fast and well coordinated is also stronger owing to higher-information density. Dynamic strength is greater but not necessarily static strength (what we normally refer to as being 'strong').

At least we see that the quantum-field system essentially gives greater power, which is velocity times strength, in addition to skill. We are not saying there will be no muscular tension contributing to locking the joints. The two systems, muscular and quantum computer, work together and are perfectly synchronised. But those muscular tensions can't respond during the impact time of one-thousandth of a second. It depends on the level of ability as to how much the quantum computer system is used relative to the muscular system.

The quantum-field component can be very powerful. This 'electromagnetic' field system can act as rigidly as metallic components but more with regard to aiding and perpetuating muscular movement and providing high speeds--within what the muscle is capable.

One may see now why a professional golfer can hit the ball so far, or the martial arts expert break the plank. The energy stored in the swing of the professional golfer is transferred to the ball much more efficiently than for the amateur--that is, it is transferred during impact. It is not just a matter of timing. All the joints must be locked as simultaneously as possible, of course, but this takes skill and practice, and will develop alongside the principal factor. That is, by the time the professional golfer has developed sufficient information density within the learning patterns (the quantum computer system) for successful transfer of energy he or she will be able to lock the joints simultaneously.

In martial arts, imagine the strongest man in the world competing with the expert in breaking the board. The strongest man in the world might be twice as strong (let's say), and yet not succeed as well as the martial arts expert---why is this? Let's say the strongest man generates 100 units of energy in the moving arm and the martial arts expert, 50 units. The impact time is around 1/1000 second. Since the strongest man has not developed the skill and concentration, that 100 units is spread out; not focussed well. Let's say only 20 units of energy is focussed during the 1/1000 of a second to create the force. The expert may focus all of his 50 units into that short time interval.

We can understand now why a stronger man may not be able to break a board with his hand but a weaker one, expert in the martial arts, can succeed--the focus is the key and the slightest yield in any of the relevant joints can result in considerable loss of power. As soon as the martial arts adept strikes the plank the resistance to motion triggers a feed-back system to compensate by preventing collapse at the joints during the impact time, which again is around one-thousandth of a second.

It is quite a miraculous mechanism.

Note that in martial arts, for example, aikido, energy can be created by a definite act of consciousness, or the mind, producing paranormal results in addition to the logical physical effects. One of the names given to this energy is chi. Nevertheless the automatic mechanisms, the quantum computer, can achieve astounding results with considerable training and this is quite automatic, but it cannot account for any sudden changes in achievement (by applying the mind), or account for the sometimes amazing protection that occurs from injury.

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